

The Career Guidance and Placement Cell focuses on the assistance and guidance for the students in discovering their strengths, sharpening their interests and planning for their career development through various programmes such as orientation seminars, training programmes on soft skills, etc.




Advisory Committee Meeting


The advisory committee meeting for the academic year 2017-2018 was held in the mid of July. Rev. Sr. Mary Josephine Rani A, Principal was the chairperson. Following are the topics on which suggestions and discussion were made :

  1. Maintaining database of students to refer them for suitable job vacancies.
  2. Conducting campus interviews for reputable and professional organizations.
  3. Training students for their professional careers.
  4. Preparing them for competitive civil service exams, higher studies and choosing a rewarding career.
  5. Conducting exclusive training programs on Behavioral and soft skills and personality developments.
  6. Assisting students in discovering their strengths, sharpening their interests and planning for a satisfying future.
  7. Conducting Training programme especially for students to take part in campus drive for IT sectors.


The advisory committee meeting for the academic year 2019-2020 was held in the mid of July. Rev. Sr. Regina Mary R., Principal was the Chairperson.   Following are the topics on which suggestions and discussion were made :

  1. Maintaining database of students to refer them for suitable job vacancies.
  2. Conducting campus interviews for reputable and professional organizations.
  3. Training students for their professional careers.
  4. Preparing them for competitive civil service exams, higher studies and choosing a rewarding career.
  5. Conducting exclusive training programs on Behavioral and Soft Skills and Personality Developments.
  6. Assisting students in discovering their strengths, sharpening their interests and planning for a satisfying future.
  7. Conducting Training programme especially for students to take part in campus drive for IT sectors.


The advisory committee meeting for the academic year 2020-2021 was held in the mid of February. Rev. Dr. Sr. Jaya Santhi R., Principal was the Chairperson.   Following are the topics on which suggestions and discussion were made :

  1. Organizing job oriented courses.
  2. Conducting campus interviews for reputable and professional organizations.
  3. Training students for their professional careers.
  4. Preparing them for competitive civil service exams, higher studies and choosing a rewarding career.
  5. Conducting exclusive training programs on Behavioural and Soft Skills and Personality Developments.
  6. Assisting students in discovering their strengths, sharpening their interests and planning for a satisfying future.
  7. Conducting Training programme especially for students to take part in campus drive for IT sectors.

2021-2022 to 2023-2024

The advisory committee meeting for the academic year 2021-2022 was held in the mid of February. Rev.Dr.Sr.Jayasanthi R, Principal was the Chairperson.   Following are the topics on which suggestions and discussion were made :

  1. Organizing job oriented courses.
  2. Conducting campus interviews for reputable and professional organizations.
  3. Training students for their professional careers.
  4. Preparing them for competitive civil service exams, higher studies and choosing a rewarding career.
  5. Conducting exclusive training programs on Behavioural and Soft Skills and Personality Developments.
  6. Assisting students in discovering their strengths, sharpening their interests and planning for a satisfying future.
  7. Conducting Training programme especially for students to take part in campus drive for IT sectors.
  8. Facilitating job opportunities for all eligible and interested students.
  9. Suggesting and implementing corrective measures to non-eligible and interested students to make them employable.
  10. Inviting the different industries for campus recruitments from all corners.




Help Desk

  1. Auxilium College(Autonomous),
  2. Gandhi Nagar, Vellore-632006, Tamilnadu.

  3. Career Guidance & Placement Co-ordinators:
  4. Dr. Auxilia Antony S., Asst. Prof.,
  5. Ms. Kalaivani K., Asst. Prof.
  6. Phone : 91 7598598809
  7. For Student & Corporate Enquiries:
  8. cgpc@auxiliumcollege.edu.in