National Cadet Corps



  • Reach out the maximum youths through various intuitions.
  • Teach positive thinking and attitude to the youths.
  • Become a main source of national integration by making NCC as one of the greatest cohesive force of our nation irrespective of any caste, creed, religion or region.
  • Provide an ideal platform for the youth to showcase their potential in nation build

Coordinator And Members

Co-ordinator :

Lt.Dr.E.Anitha Alice

Members :

(Total Strength -108)

  • 2015- 16 Suo: Mary Priya III B.A , History
  • 2016- 17Suo: Ramyashree III B.A English B Sec.
  • 2017- 18Suo:Shanmukapriya III B.A English B Sec
  • 2018- 19Suo : Devigha III B.Sc. Mathematics
