College offers hostel facilities for almost one thousand students. They reside in five different blocks. Residential facilities are made available also for the teaching and non-teaching staff in two separate blocks. The hostel is run according to the educative strategy of Don Bosco in a family atmosphere where the students live in a spirit joy, sense of duty, friendliness among themselves and confidence with the educators. The welcoming presence of the educators among the students and the practice of loving kindness towards them characterize all the dealings between the educators and the students. The residential students come from very many different social and economic backgrounds and many of them are first generation learners. The group life is so organized in the hostel that no student feels pressurized due to social disparity. There is a balanced blend of study, recreational activities, moral and spiritual formation and religious experience. In the centre of the campus is the place of worship which is open to all, irrespective of the faith to which they belong. The chapel is large, spacious, well ventilated and aesthetically designed creating a climate very conducive for worship, praise and prayer. The College offers hostel facilities to 800 students in three blocks. Residential facilities are also available in another block for the teaching and non-teaching staff. The Hostel is run in a family atmosphere with a spirit of joy, sense of duty and commitment to one’s ideals. The friendly presence of the educators among the students and the practice of loving kindness towards them characterize all the dealings between the educators and the students. There is a balanced blend of study, recreational activities, moral and spiritual formation and religious experience. The hostellers come from a variety of socio-economic backgrounds. The atmosphere of the hostel is so conducive that even the most economically backward students do not come under the pressure of social disparity.
The amenities available for the hostellers include: Spacious, airy, bright, well-ventilated rooms with mosquito mesh windows and broad corridors, Rooms and dormitories with cots, fans, racks, lockers, tables, chairs, clean drinking water facility, daily sanitized water closets and bathing rooms with running water facility. The large dining hall can accommodate 650 students at a time. Entertainment and recreational facilities, indoor and outdoor games, counseling and an infirmary are available. An aesthetically designed spacious place of worship-a place of peace and serenity-is open to all. First Aid facility is available in the hostel The vegetarian and Non-vegetarian Mess are available. It has a modern, spacious and clean kitchen with facilities for steam cooking. The homely, serene and formative surroundings in the Hostels bring about a closely-knit family-like atmosphere where the young experience being in a home away from home. The well-furnished hostel blocks with provision for study, God-experience, rest, relaxation, recreation, music and cultural activities are made maximum use by the hostellers. The calm, clean, and green environment provides an ambient conducive for study. Besides, they receive ample opportunities to develop their personality and leadership skills. The harmonious living together of hundreds of young people belonging to various cultural, social, religious, communal and linguistic groups is an evident sign of the success of Don Bosco’s style of education, namely the Preventive System.
The College aims at Educating young people, that they may have life and have it to the full, expresses our intention of focusing on what young are searching for at times, without even knowing it. In an era marked by challenge and delusions, but also by strong signs of hope, a clear and passionate conviction is emerging, that the charism of Don Bosco and Maria Dominica Mazzarello can still respond to young people’s search for meaning. We live our commitment to be signs of foreseeing love of God among young people, while promoting human qualities of peace and justice. The element that characteristics our Salesian Spirituality is the merciful Fatherhood of God and motherly presense of Mary. Everyday life is seen as the privileged place of meeting with God, living out moral and human values of sharing joy and celebration. Great emphasis is laid on daily Faith formation and value education to train the young to face life with enthusiasm and self-confidence. The Faith formation programmes, the daily Mass, Rosary, good morning, good night, value education for Christians, yoga, prayer experience, the power of sacramental grace through reconciliation, Bible week celebration; annual retreats are the available means for the students for their spiritual inspiration and growth. Auxilium College offers opportunities for integral formation for the staff and students. Don Bosco’s characteristic style of education known as the preventive system directs young people towards becoming “good christians and honest citizens”. This goal is sought within the campus, where all participate with different roles and areas of competence. its basic component reason, religion and loving kindness inspire an educative project which responds fully to the needs of the world of youth.
The Salesian assistance a typical expression of preventive system emerges as an indispensable educative need. It is a welcoming, active ; warm hearted, friendly sharing in their lives, their hopes and aspirations. the family atmosphere created where the young people feel they are not only loved but feel they are loved and seeing themselves accepted and understood. they accept the values, the educators propose for them. Periodic programmes on personality development, counselling, leadership training, career guidance and placement, cultural activities, peer group ministry, human right education, consumer awareness and many other programmes are the means to help the young to grow into active citizens and future of our country India.
Event Name | Event Date | Brochure |
Campus Placement Drive 2025 | 13 Feb 2025 |
Campus Placement Drive-2025 | 14 Feb 2025 |