I am Dr. Sharmila. C. I work for a college as a Lecturer. I am a proud Auxilian of the first Computer Science batch 1991 – 1994. I do still follow all the values which I have learnt through college. I feel happy to share that I have won the Best Teacher Award from the Govt of India. I have excelled in different areas as an Auxilian.

I am Celina K V of 1973 to 1977 batch (Mathematics). Happy to learn that auxilium is still interested in the past pupil after so many years of leaving my college. It is the knowledge and virtue I got from my alma mater took me to my heights, now I am retired and leading a peaceful life in Kerala. I could never visit my college after my studies, but the memories still fresh in me

Our dear Sisters gave us a wonderful life experience by not only imparting education but also values. Today so much is being spoken about women empowerment, but Auxilium and our Sisters sowed the seeds of empowerment in our minds always from the day we entered college. Many motivational programs and speeches were organized to develop the powerful qualities of womanhood which was not much heard those days.

Congratulations to all of the proud Auxilians who stand apart. It gives me immense pleasure to reconnect with my Almamater. The enriching experience of the days in Auxilium was and is one of the best ones in my life. Resilience, Acclimatize, dream, persistence, compassion, integrity, fun and many more virtues were a part of my growing up in those three years. It gave pa platform to discover my potentials and leadership qualities. But most of all I cherish the love for my Lecturers, friends and all the people who made the three years stay the most memorable one. - Kousar Ganesan: Batch of zoology 1990-1993

Beauty is truth, truth beauty……………… “If you’re walking the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually, you’ll make progress,” said Barack Obama. I credit my alma mater, Auxilium college with putting me on the right path to progress which eventually led me to achieve what I am today. Five years of unforgettable experiences at Auxilium opened many windows of opportunities and set me on the right path to progress. My successes and achievements since then are all owed to this wonderful institution. As a student of English Literature from 1983-86, despite the passage of 34 years, I remain indebted to my teachers, principals, hostel wardens, mother superior and all the nuns. I cannot thank them enough for building a strong foundation that has served me well in every situation life threw at me. Sr. Augustine, principal of the higher secondary section or Ma’am Bibiana, our higher secondary English teacher motivated me to choose English Literature as my major for my bachelor’s degree. They alone with other subject teachers inspired me to overcome my inhibitions and pursue my dreams. There are special memories associated with each of the teachers who touched our lives and remain evergreen in my heart. Sr. Celin, our college principal with her distinctive high-pitched voice who taught drama. Sr. Alice mesmerized the entire class with her melodious voice when she taught about the Romantic period of poetry. Ma’am Rhona Nunes who enthralled us with her interpretation of novels. Other memorable subjects include Ma’am Pinto for Social History of England, Ma’am Eugene for American Literature, Ma’am Elizabeth for essay writing skills, Ma’am Rosamma for Shakespeare classes, Ma’am Mangala with the new subject English for Competitive Examinations among others. There is much about my life I might have forgotten but I can always recall every small detail about the teachers and nuns at Auxilium. It saddened my heart when I recently learned from Ma’am Rhona that Ma’am Pinto is no more. We adored her and she is sorely missed. Coming to Auxilium was my first time away from home and life in the hostel taught me the value of human relationships. Sr. Rosella, Sr. Jacinta and Sr. Mariana, our wardens who I developed a special bond with. Their strictness and fairness encouraged me to be honest, straightforward and to aspire to excellence. They taught me to aim high and graduate with flying colours. Sr. Viyakula Mary, my classmate and partner in combined studies was generous with her time and helped me understand what I was learning in class since I had studied in a Tamil medium school until I started at Auxilium. The passion these teachers instilled in me at an early age is what propelled me to do my post-graduation and doctorate in English Literature. At present, I am Dr. M. Shanthi, Head of the department of English in a reputed college in Goa. All my achievements are but a reflection of the principles inculcated in me by my teachers, colleagues and mentors at this wonderful institution. I also learned the true meaning of religious harmony and integration during my time at Auxilium and despite belonging to a different religion, I attended Sunday masses and learned to appreciate the spirit behind the prayers. Initially, the restrictions of hostel life suffocated me since I was home-sick and coming back to college after vacation felt like I was entering jail. Soon after, I was lucky enough to form a great circle of friends who changed my outlook on college and hostel. They were the main reason for why I loved my time in college! We had unforgettable times during break and birthday celebrations. I cannot forget the love and care that was showered on me, because of which my home sickness dissipated and I did not even miss my family. Our group consisted of 12 people who continue to hold a very special place in my heart- Rajini Devi, Jayasree, Manjula, Maheswari, Senthil Vadivu, Anna, Surekha, Viola, Gnaneswari, Maria and two Shanthis (including me). We were from different departments and different batches but still spent time together on common night dinners, walks and gossip sessions. If a parent came to meet one of us, all of us used to consider that we had a visitor. All snacks that were sent from home were shared in the group. Twenty years after we parted, we were again reunited by the miracle of WhatsApp- I thank the creator of this app every day for giving me back the friends of my youth. Our bond forged in the hostels and classrooms of Auxilium college thrives to this day and we share our personal joys, sorrows and forwarded jokes on the group. The enjoyment we have in each other’s company still continues when we meet, be it in a reunion or the wedding of someone’s son or daughter. My dream of visiting my alma mater came true last May. I met the present principal, Sr. Rejina Mary who was my senior, Sr. Alphonse with her ever-present smile, Sr. Rosella, our warden and Sr. Jacinta, our college section warden. Sr. Regina generously played host and took me around the campus, making me feel at home again. I relived many of the happy hours I spent there when I sat for some time in my old class room. The nostalgia was so strong that I ran into the auditorium like an excited little girl- the same auditorium that we spent countless hours watching movies and documentaries, where I performed in dance programs and dramas. Seeing the statue of Mother Mary brought back thoughts of happy times spent there when we went for walks, discussed everything under the sun, recited the Rosary and prayed diligently. Along with all my memories of the past come pride at where the college is now and the ongoing progress. I am happy to see that the college has expanded exponentially with many new buildings and new courses. Each moment that I spent at Auxilium is a treasure that I hold onto, to think back, examine and savour in my free time. My advice to the present students is to enjoy every day here, embrace the discipline that is a way of life at Auxilium, make lifelong friendships and learn as much as you can. All of these together will be stepping stones that will lift you to great achievements and prominence in society. Auxilium! I am overwhelmed with joy and hope you to stand as a symbol of magnanimity and eminence. Your beauty should be everlasting. As Keats said, “Beauty is Truth, truth beauty, -that is all, Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.” The fact is that Auxilium transcends time and is capable of seeing many more generations of students and would outstand forever. I wish it to be immortal ever and ever…. Dr. M. Shanthi Head, Department of English Dnyanprassarak Mandal’s College and Research Centre Assagao, Mapusa, Goa

My pen rests poised on the blank page of my note pad as I try to rodeo in the avalanche of memories, post marked spring of 1989. I recall my first day of college standing outside the heavy cloistered iron gates waiting for them to swing open to let the steady flow of day scholars walk in. I enrolled into the BA English programme not out of choice but out of desperation- college admissions had closed across the country and I had missed placements in the medical programmes. I distinctly remember the very first day. Full of angst I shuffled hurriedly down the long walkway donning a rather expensive black dress and a yellow shrug hoping to mask my wilting confidence by power dressing. At the entrance of stairwell to the classrooms stood a nun – who smiled and called me by name and asked to meet with me. I was ushered into a large office and the name plate on the desk told me I was seated before Sister Principal who then calmly began an informal interview. I was probed on why I wanted to pursue education at Auxilium, and I knew on that day that both the college and I were starkly aware that I was a misfit. The Salesian environment and ethos provides a place of learning and scholarship for high achievers without financial means to support themselves through college and I was fortunate to join the company of these gifted ones. Tucked away in the small town of Vellore stands Auxilium College Alma Mater of Auxilians all over the world. I speak not only for myself when I say that – Auxilium transforms character, personality, and influences values. Classroom time were more than academic sessions, they were catalyst for change- the rhetoric, debate, interpretation of literature and the musings that followed good discussions were not mere learning schedules rather platforms that encouraged inductive reasoning. As I sat engrossed enjoying and trying to ingest the thought provoking lectures, the days faded into months and slowly into years. With each passing year the fallow grounds of our minds and attitudes were gently irrigated by literature, people and lived experiences. The one thing that Auxilium college did not provide for was for students to push the boundaries and to become street wise individuals. College operated similar to school with scheduled lectures every day from 9 to 4. The environment was protective and conservative communicating to parents that their daughters were in safe hands. In 1992 when I graduated, I was no longer the cocky, misfit that walked into the halls of education, only my spark had slowly diminished. I want to advocate for increased use of experiential learning as part of the educational agenda. Experiential learning is one form of education that is not given enough credit as an influencer. In 1992 when I graduated, I was no longer the cocky, misfit that walked into the halls of education, only my spark had slowly diminished. I want to advocate for increased use of experiential learning as part of the educational agenda. Experiential learning is one form of education that is not given enough credit as an influencer. In 305 BC Aristotle wrote in the Nicomachean Ethics “For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.” I remember the year we undertook an excursion to Bombay. The giggling bevy of south Indian lasses waited eagerly at the Katpadi station to journey to Mumbai. As we boarded the train and settled into our seats and berths – life would never be the same. The time we spent in each other’s company – travelling the Indian railways, braving the use of nasty toilets on trains, willingly sharing our tuck box treats with team mates, managing our finances, trekking the distances unable to treat our sore feet, tolerating and being tolerated was all part of the learning. We were housed at the Auxilium School in Mumbai. I tried not to appear shocked when we were shown our accommodation for the period of our stay. We were given the use of the school auditorium with cold cement floors where we had to make our makeshift bed space. This concrete experience jolted my colleagues and I to try new things, face new problems, manage hysteria and to do life together. I still remember the joyful songs we sang on our journey back home. I do not remember the songs we sang and can certainly say that there was more noise than melody. Perhaps the happy gas that filled our lungs and our hearts became the grit that has carried us through the peaks and troughs for the last 28 years. Ms. Evelyn Anand (BA. Lit, MLIS) Head of Library Services Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Bahrain Alumni Class of 1992

Being an Auxilian is not just a word; rather it is a foundation of who I am today. The values that are inculcated in the alma mater enabled to shape my professional and personal wellbeing. To give a small introduction about myself, I am S.Shridevi, batch of 2012, in the Department of Communication Media. Today I work as an Assistant Professor in the School of Mass Communication in Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies (VISTAS), Chennai. I am also a Ph.D Scholar. As per the instruction given, a small write up on the experiences of being an auxilian will be similar to a drop in the bucket. To foremost thing which I learnt over the period in the alma mater is the dedication in our work. I have witnessed the events that were conducted in the college organized by our respected sisters who inspired the students to do a given work efficiently. One of the inspiring memories in the college is the token of appreciation that I received from the staff members for the submission of assignment work. Starting from submitting an assignment to submitting a project for the UGC, I have learned how to be unique from my own way and inspire others based on my dedication and perfection towards my work. I Apart from that, I have developed values associated of being a true auxilian. To help people in times of need, to be responsible academician, to inculcate the values among my students, try to be a motivating person for the people without hope and finally to be a change that I wish to see in the society. I am thankful to my department for making me proud for selecting me as an alumni representative for the BOS in the current academic year. This will be an inspiration for me as an academician and for my future endeavours. I am immensely grateful for all the sisters and the staff members of my department who have shaped me to what I am today. Name: S.Shridevi Batch: 2009-2012 Dept: Communication Media

I may not know the art of writing but I love to celebrate those people who have made an everlasting impact on my life. Who else it could be than my own teachers who have affected and changed me in so many ways that it's hard to single a few out? And to spend my youthful days in a highly spiritual place like our Alma Mater was like an icing on the cake. What more could one ask for? My humble salutations to the Institution and my teachers who have touched my life and whose knowledge and experience expanded my vision. Nowadays, teachers have the facility of power point presentations but back then my teachers taught us from the heart and those memories stay fresh even now. Mrs. Assunta Mam’s classes used to create a theatrical effect. With so much dynamism and originality, she would bring life to the lessons. With her never-say-die attitude, she reigns in all her students’ heart as a queen. How can I describe in words the dedication of yet another teacher Rev. Sr. Amala who taught us the value of being impartial? A sweet hearted teacher who always wanted to make things easier for us to learn. Under such teaching faculties and influence, I have become a listener, reader, and a more thoughtful person. To prove this point, I will substantiate with evidence. It was mid-February 2002 and I was in my final year B.A. History. After winning an inter-collegiate singing competition I was in a hurry to share my happiness with my Department teachers. On my way, I met Mrs. Fancy Ma’am who could gauge my reason for excitement. Ma’am congratulated me and said: “It is good to know that you are slowly coming out of your shell!” Even today when I coil myself within the shell, her words still linger in my mind that I try to challenge my own boundaries. Under such inspiring teaching faculties, I have become a listener, reader, and a more thoughtful person. I got inspired from the entire academic fraternity as a whole that every word of them had explicit values for me to cherish for a life time. Name: Anitha R (PhD) Visiting Faculty, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning & Independent Academic Consultant

B.A. (History) Batch: 1999-2002 The real adventure starts when you dream big but you can’t attain, finally ended up in getting something different which you don’t even have a clue about it and enjoy doing it . This is where I stand and this is Pratibha Bakthavachalam of batch 2016-2019 (BBA). To be precise: Life of Auxilium is like a “Rollercoaster”. On the very beginning you experience fun, fear and fun in-between like-when this ride will end? and at the end you feel a longing kind of sense! It is a place where we are carved with discipline & love, Share and Earn knowledge with care and you can see “Unity in Diversity”, which means though departments and shifts might differ but they all are united for any occasion, especially students from different places unite and have a beautiful bond with each other. It shows how Auxilium gives us freedom with strict discipline. But I enjoyed it! A wonderful secured place for any girl to develop her to an all-rounded individual! Been in a leadership Position on behalf of college, shaped me to see the world in a different manner. Which boosted my Confidence and Self-Motivation? Thanks for the Management and the department of BBA for moulding me to walk in this world courageously! PRATIBHA BAKTHAVACHALAM Batch 2016-2019 (BBA).

Let’s admit that college days are the best days of one’s life. We get new friends, new experiences, and many new people. For me college days is like the turning point of my life and that’s why its memorable. Being an auxilian I learned the value of life, it taught me public speaking, dealing with pressures, different situations and people. It’s like a series of fun events and memories which made my college days unforgettable. The best part of college life is Friends for life, college canteen, group fights, events and festivals, struggles for notes, deadlines, teachers, attendance, exams. We use to go out for party after every exam to remove our stress of exams… it was like on and off of fun and exams tension. For me not all memories are sweet and phenomenal, but my college days becomes remarkable because of my college friends. Things end. But memories last forever. Nafeesa.N BBA (Hospital Administration) 2017-2020

I have successfully completed my Undergraduate in Auxilium College. I have gained good knowledge and experience from past three days. I thanked management and head of the department and all my wonderful staffs to gave me a good knowledge etc. I liked very much. And I'm very proud to say "Be a Auxilian". K. Nivedhitha BBA (Hospital Administration) 2017-2020

I’m happy to say my college experience. College is the perfect time for students to learn and grow through travel, new friends and experience. College offers varied opportunities for students to grow and develop their personalities. Exploring program will help us to make new friends and establish connections with other colleges also. College will have hundreds of options for the best way to use our free time. College helps us to learn different languages and we gain lots of learning experience. In internship I learn more about management procedures, quality control and quality assurance methods and management of other relevant services required for better patient care. In hospital where I learn by participating in the workload of supervising health management personnel and consultants. Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity. M. Monika, BBA (Hospital Administration) 2017-2020

I'm very proud to tell that I studied in Auxilium. Our department is always the best. I have lots of good memories. We had good exposure inside the college and outside the college. Lectures always encourage and motivate each and every student. Many of us from our batch all are working in a good position in their professional. - Ms. Kavitha Kuppan

College is one of the most memorable parts of any person’s life whether it is about friends, professors or growth of life. We have to make so many decisions as it will make an impact on the career and future of one's life. I proudly say that I had taken a rewarding decision to join Auxilium college and to top it - clearly it was best time of my life and every second I think about my time; I get carried away by the sheer perfectness and satisfaction of what I was looking up to. - Ms. Mary Sheela

Days in Auxilium would definitely be the one I could look upon. Lovely atmosphere that the department offered us just to make us feel so comfortable and great about ourselves. The best of my potential was brought out during these days. The warmth our gurus gave us and the energies and synergies that we experienced I would say had laid the base for our personal and professional front. Such bountiful memories that I carry from here never in one instance made me frown; it’s always a smile and sense of pride that I can carry forward. Passing on lots of love and positive energy to the souls who have given their everything in making our BBA department as I used to know into big names today. - Surekha Sham

It’s an occasion that doesn’t come too often. It’s with great privilege, I extend my sincere greetings and wishes to the Department of Business Administration, Auxilium College, Vellore on their silver jubilee celebration. The journey of Auxilium College has been phenomenal since its inception and has touched and changed many lives. Proud to say that the Department of Business Administration, Auxilium College, Vellore also has been part of this journey. Thank you for inspiring us all these years. It has been a great privilege to state that I was associated with the Department of Business Administration, Auxilium College, Vellore as a Research Scholar. The four years were a good learning experience and gave me the confidence that I can do it. I did it as the best things in life comes to those who work hard for it. It also comes to those who are blessed with supportive faculty members and management. I hope the Department of Business Administration will continue to outshine the past achievements and may this exciting journey continue for many more years in the future. - Dr. V. Kandasamy Sharma

I entered thinking I am going to learn Business, Stats, Language and other subjects but at the end of 3 years the entire perspective changed. Staff’s unimaginable support, mentorship, their profound knowledge, their teaching skills left me flabbergasted. Number of friends I made were countless and the memories to cherish the entire life. Turned out to be the best 3 years of my life filled with fun, thrill, discipline, hardship, humanity and I ended up discovering myself. I wish the entire department staff and students great going and continue this legacy. - Ms. Nithya S

MI have so many memories with every professor Dr Beulah Suresh was not only my mentor in professional career also in my life- as they say, she is friend, philosopher and guide to me it could be unfair not to name other professors- but I am sure, my brief experience may end up multi pages if I were to write about all the professors/friends, college staff who helped and molded me to what I am today. Very lucky to be a part of this prestigious institution. Ms. Leah Judith