Alumnae Association



Alumnae Association

The Alumnae Unit of Auxilium College is part of the Chennai Province (INM) Alumnae Association which comes under the World Confederation of the Alumnae of the Salesian Sisters (FMA) established in the year 1840 and is one of the sectors of the Salesian Family under the governance of the Councillor for Salesian Family. “Roots in the heart, Hands in the world” is the guiding force of the Association. Every Alumna works for the affirmation of the values where the dignity of the human person is concerned, working in different fields - in the family and work places, in the socio-political fields and social communication.


  • To provide fellowship among the alumnae themselves to sustain them in living out in their personal and professional lives the values received in the college.
  • To create opportunities for them to share their talents and expertise for the development and transformation of the College.
  • To provide them with ongoing formation.
  • To help the alumnae in the mission of the College to transform society through the Alumnae Association in keeping with the vision and mission of education they received.

Strategies to Realise the Objectives


The Alumnae Association and the Institution foster the fellowship of the alumnae by way of fulfilling their human needs by

  • Periodical get-together.
  • Conducting recreational get-togethers.
  • Giving recognition to the talents and capabilities of alumnae.
  • Deepening the sense of belonging.
  • Contributing articles for the College magazine.
  • Providing opportunities for the ongoing formation of the alumnae.

Participation in the Salesian Mission

As a consequence of sharing the vision and mission of the College, the alumnae should become sharers and participants in the mission of social transformation. The following actions plans help to strengthen the bond between the College and the alumnae and are strengthened and nourished throughout the year

  • Living a witnessing life consistent with the values imbibed from the Alma Mater.
  • Forming core groups with like-minded alumnae to work among the underprivileged brothers and sisters.
  • Inspiring the alumnae to give lead by involving themselves in social transformation at the local, national and international levels.
  • Contributing financial as well as personal resources to the activities of the Alma Mater.


  • The Association shall be an autonomous body with laypersons as President, Vice- President and Secretary. An FMA shall be its Coordinator.
  • All the teaching staff with a minimum of three years of experience are eligible to become members of this Association even though they may not have been students of this institution.
  • If a student has studied in more than one FMA institution, she has the choice to become a member of any one of the Association.
  • They pay a one-time enrollment subscription to the Association.

Relationship with the Institution

Relationship with the Institution

  • The Secretary and the Principal are ex officio members of the executive council of the Association.
  • The Principal shall involve herself actively in the activities of the Association through her cooperation and encouragement
  • It has an FMA as Co-ordinator who is appointed by the Management.
  • Her role is one of animation. This animation will be at three levels:
    • (i) Sharing of information about the College with the alumnae by bringing together all the alumnae and creating in them a sense of belonging.
    • (ii) Providing ongoing formation to the alumnae by arranging appropriate programs to foster fellowship among them and sustain the values they received in the college.
    • (iii) Creating opportunities for the involvement of the alumnae in the activities of the Institution and the process of social transformation.
  • The annual planning of the Alumnae Association will foster individual and institutional development.
  • Representatives of the alumnae are members of the administrative bodies of the College such as the Governing Body, the Academic Council and the Board of Studies.
  • The Alumnae Association need not be always centred around the College. It should also be associated with other activities, such as social action and communications. This involvement will help in the ongoing formation of the alumnae and also bring to the activities the rich expertise and experience of the alumnae. This will help to nurture lay leaders as well.

Life Membership

The Alumnae Association proposed in 2018 to subscribe life membership. This amount will be used to sponsor tuition fees to the economically poor students, to give as seed money for research to encourage the research of staff of the college, for the procurement and maintenance of research equipment and other expenditures of the Association.

Province level Alumnae Association

Province-Level Alumnae Association

  • (a) The Province level Association is to coordinate the activities of all units.
  • (b) All the Alumnae Associations of FMA institutions in Chennai Province are members of this Association.
  • (c) All the office-bearers of the Association i.e. The President, Vice-President and Secretaries are executive members of the Association and they meet annually and decide on the common programmes and activities of the Association,
  • (d) The Delegate of the FMA Past Pupils Association of INM is appointed by the Provincial.

Role of Province Delegate

  • 1. The Province Alumnae Delegate animates the Association at two levels:
    • (i) Coordinating the activities of the Associations in the Province to give a unity of purpose.
    • (ii) Organizing on behalf of the Association appropriate programs for the ongoing formation of the alumnae.
  • 2. She represents the alumnae apostolate in the various forums in the Province and outside the Province.